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Catskills - Sullivan County - Ulster County Real Estate -- Catskill Farms Journal

Old School Real estate blog in the Catskills. Journeys, trial, tribulations, observations and projects of Catskill Farms Founder Chuck Petersheim. Since 2002, Catskill Farms has designed, built, and sold over 250 homes in the Hills, investing over $100m and introducing thousands to the areas we serve. Farms, Barns, Moderns, Cottages and Minis - a design portfolio which has something for everyone.

February 19, 2024

Killington. Family.

On top of K1.

10+ annual trips to Vermont over President’s Day weekend.  Always a changing cast of characters, sometimes ballooning past 12 people and sometimes shrinking to two.  This year my brother, his 26 yr old son Eli Petersheim, his 20 year old son Marcus Petersheim, and my 15 yr old son, Lucas Petersheim, who can now benchpress 160 lbs and deadlift 315, or so he says.  Lucas, heading towards the starting qb role in a year, and dating the smartest girl in class, and a darn nice kid with a good group of friends to boot, has been a grand achievement of mine. Anyone who parents knows there is no surefire guarantee any of the above attributes will turn out the way you hope, aspire, dream and work.

My son, eating waffles.

We did Stowe for years, but are into year 3 of Killington, a larger mountain with less bougie aspirations than Stowe.  It’s a great big wide mountain with lots of diversity of slopes of all sorts of skill levels and terrain.  My son Lucas has become a good skier which is fun to see.  Marcus, in his first weekend of skiing ever, sort of frightening to watch.

Took the travel van up.

It’s fun that life is long so things have a chance to work out.

I guess it's been an up and down year for VT skiing, with some snow, then rain. And from what i was hearing over the weekend, this was their best weekend of new snow all year, with 6-8 of new powder on the ground over the weekend. Some good luck is good - cause I get my share of bad luck across 16 job sites on any given Sunday.

Getting ready to close on Ranch 65 - and then will probably knock a sale out every 3 weeks for the rest of the year, +/-.

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